The Szent Lajos (Saint Louis)
Roman Catholic parishfrom
(Jász) Lajosmizse
greets you on its web page with
the 2000 year-old catholic greeting:
Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ!
The  Hungarian  people  consisted  of  seven  tribes  before they  came to Central Europe. The leaders: Álmos(Árpád-s father), Elõd(Szabolcs-s father), Ond (Etel-s father), Köd (Csörsz-s father), Tas (Lehel-s  father), Huba  (Szemere-s father), Töhötöm  (Harka-s father)  contracted  a  „compact sealed with blood”  so  to find together a new country for their people.

Our Jazygian ancestors joined Tas-s and later Lehel-s people. They were from one of the Alanian branches from Iran. Their relatives were the Osteks. The other part of  the  Jazygian  ancestors  came  to  the  Carpathian  basin  250 years  after the Hungarian Conquest.

The Jazygian people-s  skin is slightly darker than that of  the Europeans.  Around 350 B.C., we migrated  from  the  area of Iran to the northern part of the River Sir Darja, the southern part  of  the  Kazah-steppe,  in  the Csu valley, near the Kara-Tau.Together with the Avars, we formed the Aszi culture. When this culture broke up  at  the  beginning  of  the  9th century  due  to  external  attacks  and  internal conflicts, our name went through a transitional change:Aszi -Asz -Jasz (Jazygian). Our  ancestors  continually  expanded  westward  across  the  Volga  River  to  the Caucasus,  where  they  united  with  the  Alans  living there. Later they joined the Cumanians. Wwith whom they settled down in the Hungarian Kingdom. They were given  independence  on  both  sides  of  the  Zagyva  River  after  the  saint  king defeated the Cumanians and Petchnegs at Temes in 1091.  Our Jazygian ancestors were given the right to have their cases  judged by their own captain  After Károly Róbert’s  letter  of  emancipation  in  1323,  they  were  given equal rights with the Cumanians.  In the XV. century,  when the counties were formed, Berényszék was given  the  title  of  Jász County,  but  it  retained its independence until 1876. Our ancestors  spoke  the  Iranian language that was similar to the Alan,  but later just like  the  Cumanians, they assimilated linguistically with the Hungarians, however we proudly maintain our Jazygian identity.
Our  Jazygian  name,  relates  back  to  our  ancestors  nomadic  way  of  life,  and according  to  some  sources  it means summer residence; according to others it is our  weapon,  the  bow,  There  are  some  Chinese  and  Turkish  references  that mention our ancestors. We were a wandering people covering large territories.
Our  forefathers  came  in  contact  with  the Byzantine Christianity, while a group guarded the  “ancient faith”. In the middle of the XVth. century they converted to the  Roman Catholic  faith  due largely to the Franciscan monks. We can consider the  Franciscan  church  in  Jászberény  as  the  cradle for the Jász Christianity. In 1472,  the  pope  allowed  the  Minorite  order to use the church because they had converted  the  Jazygians to the Catholic religion. This can be seen in the letter of foundation of the Minorite church in Jászberény.The Jazygians remainrd Catholic, while most of the Cumanians became Calvinist during the Reformation.
The Jászság is a tiny point on the map of Europe, but for us it is the most important.
Although  the  historical  area  for  the  Jazygians  is around Jászberény, there are settlements  further  away  as  well.  Since our ancestors’ foremost occupation was animal  husbandry,  they  continually  increased their grazing land. Their progency surpassed  that  of  the  rest  of  the  people  living in the area. As they continually needed  more  and  more  land, they moved on, reaching far away places including this  area  where  we  are  today:  midway  between  the  Danube (Duna) and Tisza rivers. This is where Lajosmizse is situated.
This  wonderful part of  “God’s plough-land”  was  already inhabited in the Bronze Age.  After  the Hungarian Conquest, it was the pasture for the chiefdom and later it  became  royal  territory.  The  first  settlements were formed by the Cumanians (Kunok)  after  the  Tartar invasion. Old documents list Mizseszállás, Lajosszállás and Beneszállas.  The Jazygians-Cumanians had seven centres, one of them being Mizse Széke.  It  is  interesting  that  it  derived  its  name  from  Mizse, king Kun László’s palatine, who became a Muslim. Before the Battle of Mohács there were three  churches  in  this  area: in Berénybene, Fels?mizse and Alsólajos. After the Turkish  wars,  the  settlements  and  flourishing  parishes became deserted areas and  only  the  ruins remained of the churches. The remains of Felsõmizse can still be seen in the north-eastern part of our city. More information is available on our city’s web page.
During  the  Turkish  occupation, the Turkish officers owned this area renting it to the  town  of Kecskemét and Nagykörös. Later the emperor Leopold I., sold it for 500.000  gold  forints  to the German Order of Knights. Jászberény was one of thetenants.  In  1735  the  Invalidus  bought  the  pastures from the German Order of Knights. Ten years later, with Maria Terézia’s permission, Jászberény purchased Mizse and Lajos pusztas,  and half of Bene puszta (Berénybene today). The other half of Bene puszta became the property of Jászladány. Today this is the separate town of Ladánybene located twelve kilometres west of us.
Jászberény  used the land for patures. Three inns were built: Mizse csárda, Lajos csárda,  and  Földeáki  csárda,  which  today  is the town hall. The population (who were  shepherds)  built  their  homesteads  (tanya)  around  these  inns.   In  1835, approximately  250  people  lived  in  the  area  with  no  small  risk.  The sparsely populated  land  was  easy  prey for the bands of outlaws. Wer know from Kálmán Balla’s  notes  that Mihály Bogár-Szabó and his outlaws made life difficult for the people living in the area.
The town of Jászberény built a church. The town had flourished by the millennium, but  the  two  World  Wars  stopped  this  growth.  Only slowly did the town’s main street  develop  along  the  E5 route. Today, an attractive towncentre with flowers, parks,  and  a  bronze  statue  of  King  Stephan  greets  visitors. Toursim has also developed. The “tanya” area is a paradise for horseback riding tourists.

Along route 5,  the Tanya Csárda  (<>)

and  the Gerébi Curia  along  the  Ceglédi  road  (<>)

are well known for their hospitality.

We invite you to come and see for yourself.

A few word about the religious life of the Jazygians
The priests from Kecskemét, Irsa and Örkény looked after the spiritual life of the shepherds. As more and more of them moved out to the pastures with their flocks, a missionary monk went with them to celebrate mass.  He lived,  first in the Large- inn,  then  the  Small-inn  until 1862, when the last house on the edge of the village the was purchased.  This became the residence of the priest and the cantor. It also housed  a  chapel.  In  1877, the village became “Jász-Lajos-Mizse Nagyközsség” and  two  yeas  later,  in 1879, the local church became a parish. The development was fast, and it shows the Jazygians desire to live here.
The organization of the parish church
The  condition  of  becoming  a  parish  was a contract,  which is still valid today. It states  that  the  citizens  of  Lajosmizse  undertake  the  upkeep of the church, the priest’s  and  the  cantor’s residence. They contribute the vicar’s, the cantor’s, the sacristan’s  and  the  bell-ringer’s  salaries  and  send  their  share  to maintain the diocese. In exchange, the bishop agrees to look after the Catholics spiritual needs by assigning priests fot them.
The building of the church
A church-building  committee  was  formed,  and  in 1894 they accepted Károly Bachmann’s architectural plan.  The construction began in April of 1895, for which they made no fewer than 1.200.000 bricks on site.First the parsonage and cantor’s house  were  built. The church was ready by August 25th. 1896, the feast day of its patron saint king Saint Louis. János Jung, auxiliary bishop of Vác, consecrated the church.  This area was part of the Vác diocese until the 1992 restructuring, when it became part of the Kalocsa-Kecskemét archdiocese.
Priests who worked in our parish:
1  P.Gajdos Sebestyén 1854 - 1875
2  P.Bokor Gedeon 1875 - 1879
3  Czeiz József 1879.02.16 - 1886.08.11
4  Sághy Imre 1886.09.01 - 1897.05.31
5  Járvás József 1897.06.01 - 1904.08.15
6  Antal István 1904.08.15 - 1908.06.30
7  Bajcsy Gábor 1908.07.01 - 1913.01.09
8  Mihalovics Ernõ 1913.01.09 - 1945.09.14
9  Tóth József 1945.09.15 - 1972.11.01
10  Asztalos József 1972.11.01 - 1994.07.31
11  Süveges István 1994.08.01 - ................
From  1913,  between  the  two World Wars, Ern? Mihalovics, cano,n undertook to repair the damage suffered during the war. He then concentrated on strengthening the spiritual life of the parishioners.  With his example he empahsied the adoration of the Eucharist.  He was called the “little sacrament” because of his short stature and his prayerful life. In the post war Communist terror period, he was shamed by having  to  walk the streets of Kecskemét with a tablaux hung around his neck. He was beaten and tortured. His grave is among his parishioners in our cemetery.
The consequences of World War II and the restoration:
The  church  suffered  extensive  damage  during the  war.  There  was  hole large enough  for  a  horsecart  to  fit  through  it  on  the  right side under the choir. The uneven  wall  decorations and  the  flaws  in the floor especially in front of the left pews,  serve  as  momentos  for posterity. After the war, the serious damage was repaired. The  rest  was  finished  by  1957.   The  lighting  fixtures,  the  internal renovations  of  the  pews, windows  and  the  organ  were  completed under   the guidance of József Tóth, abbot, who was the pastor from 1945.
The total renovation of the church and its environs:
From 1973 József Asztalos, canon, became the pastor of (Jász) Lajosmizse. It was during this time that the church garden was completed. It was given the “the most beautiful  church garden” award, with its more than 1700 rose bushes and many other flowerbeds. The  procession way is uniquely decorated by an avenue of pyramid linden trees. Photographs of this appear in gardening books.The external renovations  were  also  done  during  this  time, In  1975-76  modern  one-storey parsonage was built.After the Vatican II Council, the necessary liturgical changes, including  the new altar,  were implemented  according  to Aurélia Németh plans. The two paintings on the parsonage wall are also her work. The church was upgraded with a heating system in 1987, allowing for a comfortable 12 degrees C even  during  the winter.  The  protective windows and the roof insulation provide protection against the heat in the summer and against the cold in the winter.
István  Süveges,  vice-officialis , canon-dean  has been  the pastor of  Lajosmizse since  1994.  The poet’s  word  were almost realized:…”big things were born only when  brave  people  dared to do…” In that year he began the total renovation of the  church  and  the  parsonage. The mechanical and electrical safety system was put in, then the complete electrical system was uprgraded. The church was repainted.The Fatima-altar, the Lourdes-cave were built.The Shroud of Turin was painted on one of the walls, followed by the restoration of the other paintings, the altars, the statues, benches. The choir got a new floor. There is a special amplifier system  so that  one can hear well in any part of the church, which is no small feat in a building this size.The church has an electic style: pastel clours, and neogothic and  neobaroque  elements  being empahsised with white and gold trimmings. The new  pastor  re-purchased the paintings, the carved top of the christening-well and other wooden carvings that had been sold 10 years before - - upon the advice of a“artists’ - as worthless pieces.There followed the restoration of the church garden, including  a  new sprinkler system. By the  2000-year jubilee, the the roof of the church and the parsonage,  the lightening - conductor system  were completed. Christmas of 2000, the whole sanctuary glittered its new splendour.
As a result of many discussions, the church was able to get replicas of the Hungarian crown jewels. There is not only a renovation, but a conscious effort to maintain a tradition worthy of the past, and which hopes to bring the visitors fromnearby and afar to our region.

The work continued in 2001. The side-altars, the christening-well, the pulpit and the stallum were finished. The restored station of the cross were hung, as were the paintings of Saint Ladislas, Saint Michael, and Saint Ann.A replica of Lehel’s horn was  also  made.  The archbishop presented us with a relic of Saint Stephan. In the meantime, the Saint Joseph altar, the statue of Saint John of Nepomuk, the altars replicas  Saint  Ladislas’ era, the restoration of the smaller statues  were  all completed. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was placed in the sanctuary.

In 2002, twenty-two benches were made, the chairs were upholstered. By Easter, the Holy Grave was renovated. The work was also finished in the parsonage, allowing the youth complete internet access.
The work continues with the restoration of the parsonage exterior. Next to the church, there is the war memorial with the turul. It is a reminder of the injustice of the Treaty of Trianon.


A replica of the Guadalupe painting is on the wall in the Marian Chapel. The original can be seen in a Mexican shepherd’s tilma. It is as mysterious as the secret of the Shroud of Turin.
You can see all these on our website as well as photographs of our harvest thanksgiving ceremony, which is well-known in Europe. It is on the third Sunday of September every year.